Drishyam, a Bollywood adaptation of a blockbuster Malayalam movie, is a story of Vijay Salgaonkar (Ajay Devgn) who runs a cable business, his wife, Anu (Ishita Dutta) and two daughters.
The IG is played by Tabu and Rajat Kapoor is the helpless father.
The first half of the movie lacks pace, but the impetus is provided by Tabu in the latter half. Though the audience is kept interested throughout the film by director, Nishikant Kamat, the mystery element and the thrills are lacking. Ajay Devgn and Tabu usually come up with power packed performances, but here their roles are quite restrained. Except for a few guffaws, humor and music is non existent.
This two and a half hour potboiler lacks steam to get the audience to the theaters.
Rating: 2.5
Excellent review sir.